Vasq Co.

About Us

Photo of Matt.png

Matt. png

HELlo! i'm matt! i'm a music comPoser/sInger, and i produce everything Myself! i'm also an aspiring comedy wriTeR. tAke a laP around my site. maybe find a nice spot to sit and Ponder for a while. thanks for rEaDing! enjoy the rest of your visit.

Do you want to hear my songs?

Well you can't!
Just kidding

This is the main theme for our game "Super Cool Fighters" that I wrote it was super easy. 😎
This song is called "K&B." You'll never guess what game it's from.
The first song is a song I wrote for a game that Luke never finished. It was written for a boss that ended up getting reused in Benry & Krimpst, so I re-made it in the style of that game, the result of which is in the second file.
Photo of Luke.png

Luke. png

Hello web!! I do art, prigramming? game deaign? productiom? singing? all the giod stuff! anyway, enjoy yonr visit here on hhis lovely beautiful island, and dont foeget to put ln your sunscreeln!

listen to my noise

Nighttime/easymode song for a game matt was directing that we never even finished. He wanted to put the easy mode after you beat the game and i thought it was stupid
Song for an error stage for super cool fighters! This song was so fun to make because it made me high
cave song for benry y krimpst. w