Vasq Co.

Wow Games!

We have made a lot of video games in our time. Almost too many. But that's not going to stop us from making several more!
You can check out our games on our itch page!

Benry & Krimpst Thumbnail

Benry & Krimpst

A classic setup, you see. A big guy and a smol guy. They are two brothers. One is a cripple, however. Use this to your advantage somehow.

Play it. Now.
Super Cool Fighters Thumnail

Super Cool Fighters

A super original fighting game. Never been done before. If someone has made this kind of game before, we surely did it better. Play as characters from our other games. I know you've always wanted to kill them.

Play this one. Now. Well, after you finish the last one. Then play this one.
Hobo Horror 2 Thumbnail

Hobo Horror 2

Have you ever seen a homeless person on the side of the road and thought to yourself any of the following?:

1. Gosh dang! That thang is SCARY!
2. Gosh dang! I want to DESTROY that thang!

Then you'll probably hate this game, because they scare you and you can't kill them.

Play this oneā€¦ if you daaaaaaare!